Welcome to the ICEPMAG database

The Iceland Palaeomagnetism Database (ICEPMAG) compiles palaeomagnetic data published in journal articles, academic theses and other databases from sampling sites in Iceland. The ICEPMAG database can be queried with a range of customisable constraints, including rock and sample/specimen types, age constraints, dating methods, palaeointensity methods, geographic constraints (by region, location and between specified coordinates), authors and years of publication, as well as statistical constraints such as directional polarity, α95 and precision parameter k. Query results are presented in a results table, with options to produce interactive maps of site locations, VGP plots and downloadable spreadsheets.

If you find any errors in the database, please notify Maxwell Brown (

NEWS: 19.05.2024
New data and DOIs (now ICEPMAG v1.3):
  • Added new study (ref #80).
  • Added DOIs for refs 22, 56, 71, 73, and 74.
NEWS: 04.08.2023
Fixed errors across several studies (now ICEPMAG v1.2):
  • Directions and VGP coordinates updated for refs 1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 16, 20, 26, 38, 45 and 56 (66 errors fixed).
  • Old VGP coordinates moved to '_alt' columns for ref #45.
  • Ref #33 now includes data from appendix II (demagnetised results) as primary values. Appendix I data (NRM results) are included in '_alt' columns.
NEWS: 11.04.2023
Several updates have been made (now ICEPMAG v1.1):
  • Fixed error with caching of CSV download.
  • Increased memory and execution time for Location Map.
  • All data transferred to the MagIC database.
  • Updated new DOI and MagIC links.
  • Added coordinates to ref #66 (Kristjánsson 1985).
  • Updated links for PALEOMAGIA and PINT databases.
NEWS: 31.07.2019
ICEPMAG is the subject of a paper published in Earth, Planets and Space (EPS): The database currently contains data from 9491 sampling sites in Iceland. All the entries in ICEPMAG contain palaeointensity or palaeodirectional data: 8936 contain direction only, 218 intensity only, and 337 both direction and intensity.

ICEPMAG was constructed utilising the principles and structure of GEOMAGIA50:
and maintains the vocabulary of MagIC: